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Remus Motorcycle Exhaust | ORZ Performance Dubai

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  • March 06, 2014

Remus motorcycle exhaust sneak peek

Remus motorcycle exhaust! Remus motorcycle exhaust! At ORZ Performance, we are very excited right now. We’ve just received a sneak peek at a new motorcycle exhaust system from Remus.

As a Remus dealer, we are very pleased to offer this to our customers. Contact us at ORZ Performance for more information and details on how to order.

Here are a few pics of the exhaust and a dyno chart for all you petrol heads out there.

Suzuki DL 1000 V Strom


Okami_Carbon_KG Remus motorcycle exhaust Okami_Ausslaskappe_weiß Okami_Einlasskappe_grau REMUS_VK_Suzuki DL 1000 V-Strom Mod. 2014_ki